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The Dangers of Inefficient or Broken Water Heater

Little did you know, inefficient and broken water heaters have risks to your household. Water heaters are beneficial during the winter or cold season, but this comfort can become a nuisance very quickly. A broken or inefficient water heater needs immediate repair, or it can become a danger as well if you mismanage a correctly working water heater.

Despite the type of water heater, each of them requires timely maintenance and management. Otherwise, you are putting your water heater and yourself at risk as it gets broken sooner or later without you noticing the signs. The worst that could happen to a water heater is indeed an explosion, which should give you more reasons to learn the dangers of broken water heaters.

Water heater repairs are common in cities where there is winter like San Jose, California. Therefore, if you are a local, this article will be beneficial to you. The presence of mind and the right information about water heaters will always lead you to make the right decision. So, before calling a plumber, here are some insights that you need to know about the dangers of mismanaging your water heater.

The Dangers of Inefficient or Broken Water Heater

1. Small Problems may Lead to Bigger Issues.

It may not seem like an imminent danger, but if you neglect a minor issue when it happens, it becomes a significant financial loss. If left unchecked, any aspect or flaw in a water heater can grow into a bigger problem that may eventually stop the water heater from working well. You’ll have to pay a higher cost to get it repaired once this occurs.

2. High Energy Costs

When a water heater fails to perform at its optimal condition, it will use more resources and stay unreliable. It will heat the water gradually, and may also reduce the temperature of the bath. All that, and yet you’re still going to have a very high energy bill. It is vitally essential that you keep your water heater’s working capacity as best you can.

3. Water Leaks

Water heaters connect several pipes that run into the building, be it a house or a commercial building. If any tube has a crack, the consistency of the heated water will positively be affected. It will waste energy as well as warm water, which will put it at higher risk. Imagine having a water heater that doesn’t provide warm water, yet you still have to pay the bills for the service.

4. Gas Leaks

Gas in water heaters is beneficial to function well. If there is even a small gas leak, they pose great danger. Gas leaks will turn into a formidable fire hazard. Mainly if the building contains children, any minor incident may turn into a hazardous situation that you must avoid at all costs.

5. Electric Short Circuits

Water heaters that heat the water using electricity are comparatively less dangerous than gas water heaters. Nevertheless, the risk associated with even a tiny spark in its circuitry will cause a fire hazard or potentially also destroy your water heater. It is essential in this respect that you avoid this danger and have your water heater checked by professionals before winter.

6. Risk Of Explosion

Now, there is always a chance for a water heater to blow. Mainly because of the pressure built up in the water heater as the water heats up. If the thermostat is at high temperatures and there is no use of the water, the pressure can increase. An explosion will occur if there is a small error in the thermostat or if the burner is not slowing. If the water heater uses gas, it can increase the risks of a fire higher.

Why Do Water Heaters Fail?

Aside from aging, here are some common causes of why water heaters fail to function right. If either of these causes happens to your water heater, make sure to call a water heater repair service in San Jose, California.

  • Reason #1 – Overpressurization. The first is overpressurization, where the water pressure in the tank goes past limits. There are two sources of overpressurization, improper heating, and unnecessary inlet pressure. To avoid these situations, maintain the hot water temperature at or below 140 F for overheating concerns, and add an adjustable valve at the inlet to reduce the second-flow. If your home operates on a closed water supply network, a water heater expansion tank is a must. When the water heats up in the reservoir, it spreads (thermal expansion), and that water needs to go somewhere. 
  • Reason #2 – Sediment Buildup. The second and most common reason why tanks fail is due to the buildup of sediment in the tank. Pollutants and toxins in the water can induce decay or even rust inside the container, contributing to leaks. The pressure inside the tank can push water through the defect once a small hole happens, gradually increasing the amount of leakage. It would help if you could include a good quality anode rod in the package while purchasing a new tank. 

Why and When Should You Replace Your Water Heater?

There are a few considerations that you can check for to help you determine if the water heater needs to get replaced. Of course, it’s a no-brainer if it doesn’t work. However, you may think it just works fine, and you if you need to update, then consider.

  1. Expired Warranty. A clear way to know it may be time for an upgrade is when you have reached your 12-year guarantee by a couple of years. Not only do you no longer have incentives to replace your water heater if accidental damage occurs, but the chances are that the architecture of your water heater is quite old and requires much more electricity than needed. That might cost you lots of excess money each month without you knowing. If your water heater has served its life expectancy long past, it might be time to toss it out and substitute it with an update.
  2. The Water Heater is Leaking. When your water heater leaks, you will usually need a plumber to fix the problem. It can be costly and time-consuming. Water heater leaks can sometimes be challenging to find, and much water damage can occur before the problem gets fixed. If you leak, you should look at it with a plumber. If it’s miserable enough, you’re better off buying a new water pump rather than trying to fix the leak.
  3. There’s No Hot Water Coming Out. Make sure th犀利士 at you have a water heater that is big enough to handle the amount of hot water your family uses because you notice that you frequently take torrential showers or run out of hot water when doing the dishes. It means you might need an update to a bigger tank water heater.

How Long Can Water Heaters Last?

As a rule of thumb, water heaters can last well beyond 10 to 15 (more or less) years. So to answer the “how long does a water heater last?” is really up to it. Unless you learn how to flush a water heater and conduct the measures once a year as well as repair the machine according to the instructions of any other supplier, you may get several more years.

However, inevitably the tank will still malfunction. Nevertheless, water heaters with a fiberglass tank can last considerably longer, and high-end models can even come with a lifetime warranty on the container.

Which is Better, Gas, or Electric Water Heater?

Usually, electric water heaters last one to two years longer than gas ones but not always. Gas heaters are more affordable and environmentally friendly than electric heaters, but they also have more parts that can rust out or malfunction. Unless you have reason to move from one model to another, replacing the old unit with the same one is generally more accessible and cheaper.

Final Words

Regardless of your water heater type, it needs prompt maintenance and management. Therefore, you and yourself are placing the water heater at risk as it gets broken sooner or later without knowing the signals. The worst thing that could happen to a water heater is a fire due to the high temperature, which should give you more opportunities to think about the risks of broken water heaters.

Quality Water Heater Service is always at your service in case you want your water heater to get tested by a specialist before replacement. We promise the most exceptional maintenance, installation, and testing facilities for the water heaters. Call Quality Water Heater Service for a FREE quote at (408) 679-5820 or give us your queries by clicking here.

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